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Date Stage Office District Candidates
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary President of the United States State of Illinois
John McCain ran (43%) against 8 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,177 43.3%
717 26.4%
626 23.0%
156 5.7%
30 1.1%
9 0.3%
2 0.1%
2 0.1%
Total Votes Cast 2,719  
Undervotes 24  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 2,745  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary President of the United States State of Illinois
Barack Obama ran (57%) against 6 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,412 57.2%
947 38.3%
95 3.9%
8 0.3%
6 0.2%
1 0.0%
1 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,470  
Undervotes 18  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 2,490  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary President of the United States State of Illinois
Jared A. Ball ran (33%) against 3 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1 33.3%
1 33.3%
1 33.3%
0 0.0%
Total Votes Cast 3  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary United States Senator State of Illinois
Andy Martin ran (46%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
916 46.4%
838 42.5%
219 11.1%
Total Votes Cast 1,973  
Undervotes 772  
Total Ballots Cast 2,745  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary United States Senator State of Illinois
Richard J. Durbin ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,852 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,852  
Undervotes 638  
Total Ballots Cast 2,490  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary United States Senator State of Illinois
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary U.S. House Congressional District 17
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary U.S. House Congressional District 17
Phil Hare ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,894 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,894  
Undervotes 596  
Total Ballots Cast 2,490  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary U.S. House Congressional District 17
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary State Senate District 47
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary State Senate District 47
John M. Sullivan ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,258 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,258  
Undervotes 198  
Total Ballots Cast 2,456  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary State Senate District 47
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 93
Jil Tracy ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
98 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 98  
Undervotes 17  
Total Ballots Cast 115  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 93
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 93
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 94
Richard P. "Rich" Myers ran unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,103 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,103  
Undervotes 466  
Total Ballots Cast 2,569  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 94
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Representative in the General Assembly District 94
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 9
James Standard won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,930 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,930  
Undervotes 754  
Total Ballots Cast 2,684  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 9
Jim Harrell won (63%) against Paul L. Mangieri. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,157 63.4%
668 36.6%
Total Votes Cast 1,825  
Undervotes 631  
Total Ballots Cast 2,456  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Circuit Court Judge Judicial District 9
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Circuit Clerk Hancock County
John A. Neally won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
2,145 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 2,145  
Undervotes 539  
Total Ballots Cast 2,684  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Circuit Clerk Hancock County
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Circuit Clerk Hancock County
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary State's Attorney Hancock County
Jim Drozdz won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,949 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,949  
Undervotes 735  
Total Ballots Cast 2,684  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary State's Attorney Hancock County
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary State's Attorney Hancock County
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary County Board Member District 1
Thomas Scheetz won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
516 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 516  
Undervotes 158  
Total Ballots Cast 674  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary County Board Member District 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary County Board Member District 2
William R. Crabill won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
334 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 334  
Undervotes 120  
Total Ballots Cast 454  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary County Board Member District 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary County Board Member District 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary County Board Member District 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary County Board Member District 4
Cary Gray won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
363 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 363  
Undervotes 118  
Total Ballots Cast 481  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 4
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary County Board Member District 4
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary County Board Member District 5
David N. Walker won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
393 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 393  
Undervotes 114  
Total Ballots Cast 507  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary County Board Member District 5
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary County Board Member District 5
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary County Coroner Hancock County
Kendall J. Beals won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,916 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 1,916  
Undervotes 768  
Total Ballots Cast 2,684  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary County Coroner Hancock County
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary County Coroner Hancock County
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Delegate National Nomination Convention Congressional District 17
R. P. Myers (Thompson) and 17 others ran (top 3 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
989 14.0%
771 11.0%
765 10.9%
755 10.7%
484 6.9%
471 6.7%
450 6.4%
449 6.4%
Total Votes Cast 7,044  
Undervotes 1,158  
Overvotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 8,213  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Delegate National Nomination Convention Congressional District 17
B. L. Harris (Obama) and 11 others ran (top 5 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,192 12.2%
1,159 11.9%
1,147 11.7%
1,118 11.4%
1,044 10.7%
841 8.6%
801 8.2%
786 8.0%
Total Votes Cast 9,783  
Undervotes 2,657  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 12,442  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Alternate Delegate National Nomination Convention Congressional District 17
B. Tossell (McCain) and 17 others ran (top 3 advance). Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
912 14.0%
905 13.9%
838 12.9%
565 8.7%
564 8.7%
536 8.2%
488 7.5%
440 6.8%
Total Votes Cast 6,508  
Undervotes 1,718  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 8,229  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Alternate Delegate National Nomination Convention Congressional District 17
D. J. Demuzio (Obama) ran (54%) against 2 opponents. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
1,178 54.4%
869 40.1%
120 5.5%
Total Votes Cast 2,167  
Undervotes 322  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast 2,490  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Appanoose
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Appanoose
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Appanoose
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Augusta
William E. Finney won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
92 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 92  
Undervotes 10  
Total Ballots Cast 102  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Augusta
Bill Hamrick won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
75 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 75  
Undervotes 9  
Total Ballots Cast 84  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Augusta
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Bear Creek
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Bear Creek
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Bear Creek
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 1
Stephen M. Finney won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
113 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 113  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast 132  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 2
Norman E. Kinnamon won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
78 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 78  
Undervotes 21  
Total Ballots Cast 99  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 2
Wanda Wear won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
96 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 96  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast 115  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 3
LeRoy A. Ufkes won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
82 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 82  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 93  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 3
Stanley L. Tucker won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
92 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 92  
Undervotes 19  
Total Ballots Cast 111  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 4
Charles H. Bennett won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
50 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 50  
Undervotes 15  
Total Ballots Cast 65  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 4
Thomas F. Hartzell won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
50 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 50  
Undervotes 7  
Total Ballots Cast 57  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Carthage 4
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chili
William Twaddell Jr. won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
78 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 78  
Undervotes 23  
Total Ballots Cast 101  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chili
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Chili
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Dallas City
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Dallas City
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Dallas City
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Durham
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Durham
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Durham
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fountain Green
Donald B. Latherow won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
44 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 44  
Undervotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 46  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fountain Green
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Fountain Green
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Hancock
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Hancock
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Hancock
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Harmony
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Harmony
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Harmony
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Laharpe 1
William R. Crabill won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
69 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 69  
Undervotes 29  
Total Ballots Cast 98  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Laharpe 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Laharpe 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Laharpe 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Laharpe 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Laharpe 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 1
Karon A. Buckert won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
63 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 63  
Undervotes 20  
Total Ballots Cast 83  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 2
Kerry Asbridge won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
99 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 99  
Undervotes 14  
Total Ballots Cast 113  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 4
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 4
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 4
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 5
Randy White won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
86 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 86  
Undervotes 32  
Total Ballots Cast 118  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 5
Edith Ewing won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
47 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 47  
Undervotes 20  
Total Ballots Cast 67  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Montebello 5
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nauvoo
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nauvoo
Tom Wilson won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
101 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 101  
Undervotes 34  
Total Ballots Cast 135  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Nauvoo
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pilot Grove
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pilot Grove
Valeri Dittmer won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
43 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 43  
Undervotes 12  
Total Ballots Cast 55  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pilot Grove
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pontoosuc
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pontoosuc
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Pontoosuc
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Prairie
Dale Schamberger won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
59 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 59  
Undervotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 64  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Prairie
Holly A. Wilde won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
41 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 41  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 52  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Prairie
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Rock Creek
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Rock Creek
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Rock Creek
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Rocky Run
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Rocky Run
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Rocky Run
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Sonora
Robert J. Ziegler won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
81 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 81  
Undervotes 23  
Total Ballots Cast 104  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Sonora
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Sonora
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Albans
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Albans
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Albans
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Marys
Mary Ruth Phillips won unopposed. Candidates »
Candidate Votes %
49 100.0%
Total Votes Cast 49  
Undervotes 11  
Total Ballots Cast 60  
See Details for this Contest »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Marys
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct St. Marys
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Walker
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Walker
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Walker
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Warsaw 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Warsaw 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Warsaw 1
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Warsaw 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Warsaw 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Warsaw 2
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Warsaw 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Warsaw 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Warsaw 3
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wilcox
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wilcox
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wilcox
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Republican Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wythe
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Democratic Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wythe
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »
2008Feb 5 Green Primary Precinct Committeeperson Precinct Wythe
No candidates ran in this contest. Details »