
Ballot Questions



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Date Q # Question Type District Results
2012Nov 6 TOM M. LYTTON - Appellate Court JudgeSee Details » Judicial Retention 3 District
Choice Votes %
5,702 80.0%
1,422 20.0%
Total Votes Cast 7,124  
Undervotes 2,091  
Overvotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 9,275  
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2012Nov 6 DANIEL L. SCHMIDT - Appellate Court JudgeSee Details » Judicial Retention 3 District
Choice Votes %
5,695 80.3%
1,397 19.7%
Total Votes Cast 7,092  
Undervotes 2,126  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 9,275  
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2012Nov 6 EDWARD R. DANNER - Circuit Court JudgeSee Details » Judicial Retention Judicial District 9
Choice Votes %
5,630 79.7%
1,435 20.3%
Total Votes Cast 7,065  
Undervotes 2,147  
Overvotes 8  
Total Ballots Cast 9,275  
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2012Nov 6 WILLIAM "BILL" DAVIS - Circuit Court JudgeSee Details » Judicial Retention Judicial District 9
Choice Votes %
5,656 80.0%
1,416 20.0%
Total Votes Cast 7,072  
Undervotes 2,143  
Overvotes 5  
Total Ballots Cast 9,275  
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2012Nov 6 SCOTT SHIPPLETT - Circuit Court JudgeSee Details » Judicial Retention Judicial District 9
Choice Votes %
5,647 79.6%
1,447 20.4%
Total Votes Cast 7,094  
Undervotes 2,124  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast 9,275  
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2012Nov 6 Constitutional AmendmentSee Details » Constitutional Amendment State of Illinois
Choice Votes %
4,413 54.6%
3,677 45.5%
Total Votes Cast 8,090  
Undervotes 1,127  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast 9,275  
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2012Nov 6 Illini West High School Question 

Shall the Board of Education of Illini West High School District Number 307, Hancock, Henderson and McDonough Counties, Illinois, acquire and improve a site and build and equip a new school building thereon and issue bonds of said School District to ...See Details »
School Proposition School District Illini West High School 307
Choice Votes %
1,402 39.1%
2,183 60.9%
Total Votes Cast 3,585  
Undervotes 78  
Overvotes 2  
Total Ballots Cast

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2012Nov 6 Hancock County Ambulance Question 

Shall the County of Hancock be authorized to levy a tax for emergency ambulance service purposes at a rate limit of 25 cents per $100 assessed valuation?See Details »
Local Referendum Hancock County
Choice Votes %
2,853 47.1%
3,209 52.9%
Total Votes Cast 6,062  
Undervotes 381  
Overvotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast

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2012Nov 6 City of Carthage Question 

Shall the City of Carthage have the authority to arrange for the supply of electricity for its residential and small commercial retail customers who have not opted out of such program?See Details »
Local Referendum Carthage City
Choice Votes %
644 59.7%
435 40.3%
Total Votes Cast 1,079  
Undervotes 88  
Overvotes 1  
Total Ballots Cast

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2012Nov 6 Rocky Run Township Question 

Shall the maximum allowable general corporate tax rate for Rocky Run Township Of Hancock County, State of Illinois, be increased from .45% to .65% of the Value of all taxable property within the Township as equalized or assessed by the Department of Reven...See Details »
Local Referendum Rocky Run Township
Choice Votes %
49 51.0%
47 49.0%
Total Votes Cast 96  
Undervotes 3  
Total Ballots Cast

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